Monday, 10 May 2010
Film Poster
Magazine Front Cover
Sunday, 9 May 2010
Finished Film Trailer
Production Log
Location List
- Ben's house - The filming of the 1st victims murder and his friends escape will be filmed here because it is in a pretty central location in terms of were our group members/actors live, we have permission from his parents and the mise en scene is good.
- Michael's House - The filming of the 2nd victims murder will be shot here because, again it is a relatively central location, we have his parents permission and the mise en scene is also very good/appropriate.
- Longfield Road - We will be using this road to film the 1st victim, friends escape as well as the sped up car journey because it is right outside Ben's house therefore being the logical place to film and escape from the same house.
- Knife - The killer will hold this knife after he runs down the road chasing the first victims friend.
- Chair x2 - The first victim will be tied up to the first chair, and the second victim will be sitting on the second chair in his house when he receives a phone call from the first victims from warning him about the killer.
- Duck Tape - Duck tape will be used to tie the first victim to the chair.
- Car - The first victims friend will use his car to escape from the killer.
- Hammer - The killer will use a hammer as a murder weapon on the 2nd/main victim.
- Newspaper - The main victim will be reading a newspaper when the killer is looking through the window at him.
- Phone - A phone will be used so that the main victim can receive the call from his friend warning him about the killer.
All of the 'dangerous' props used in the construction of the trailer have been risk assessed and their controls will be implemented.
Call Sheet
Risk Assessment Form
Running Time
Saturday, 8 May 2010
Thursday, 6 May 2010
Movie Trailer Analysis 2 - Paranormal Activity
The Paranormal Activity trailer is unique in the sense that it is shot in a shot of documentary style. It starts of with a shot of people queuing up for an advanced screening of the film with title over laying the footage explaining what is occurring, one of these such titles put the movies name in quotation marks, this projects a subconscious idea that what you are watching isn't a trailer but a case study into something more factual, something that is beyond a regular horror film.
Point of view shots are used throughout the trailer again to give it more of a factual feel, as if what you are is first hand, unedited footage, while at the same time a lot of medium, steady framed shots are used to show the 'paranormal activity' that is such an important part of the plot.
Almost all of the camera shots/angles are included in the trailer to suggest to the audience that what is being witnesses isn't a typical horror film and is something genuinely worth watching, even if you aren't a fan of this genre.
Dark music is included and titles containing rave reviews from critics are flashed onto the screen between 'paranormal' events. The view of this trailer is left with many question in their head about the authenticity of the claims made in the trailer, therefore increasing the likely hood of them going to see the product. Finally if the viewer does decide to he or she wants to see the film the name of the film and release date are included at the end of the trailer, following the typical convention.
Movie Trailer Analysis 1 - Shutter Island
This calm equilibrium is quickly disturbed using time and camera distortion mixed in with a harsh screeching sound and a mixture of fast cuts , slow cuts, fade to black and the muting of none deigetic sound, all of which creates a sense of unease. The beginning of the trailer empowers the island, the ship sailing through the fog symbolises going into the unknown and the confiscation of the officers hand guns symbolises the handing over of power.
Throughout the middle of the trailer a lot of fast shots are used combined with a lot of 'fade to black' transitions this effect slightly confuses the viewer, this effect coupled with the open ended, questioning voice over laying down the plots foundation (without giving to much away) gives a really good sense that something isn't right within this supposed mental institution, a location that stereotypically symbolises crazy, paranormal, frightening imagery.
Near the end of the trailer, once enough superstition about what is realy going on, on 'shutter island' has been portrayed to the viewer, the equilibrium of calm is restored for a moment with a very similar shot to the establishing shot at the beginning, this shot is layered with a voice over that states "you'll never leave this island" leaving the view extremely intrigued as of why this is the case, therefore increasing the likely hood of them watching the film which would make the trailer a success in terms of it achieving its intended purpose.
Finally, at the very end of the trailer the important information of when the film is released is stated on a closing title so that any potential customers of this film that have been, or may be persuaded to buy a movie ticket knows when it is out. This title is the last thing the viewers sees so it will probably be the last thing he or she remembers.
Online Questionnaire Analysis
1. Discovering the age of my sample audiance was important becuase films and the trailers advertising them are censored by the bbfc (British Board of Film Classification), therefore knowing the age of my sample audiance would inform me of what kind of audiance opinions the questionnaire was taking in. Each age group complies with the main bbfc film classification of 12, 12a, 15 and 18, and from my results the products I will be creating will most likely be targeted at people over the age of 18.
2. The predominant gender of my sample audiance was important to discover becuase with this information i could detirmin which gender the results of the questionnaire where focused to.
3. Question three allowed me to find out exactly how important movie trailers are in persuading people into wathcing a film. The questioned asked my sample audiance on a scale of 1 - 10 how improtant the trailers were to them, and the results confirmed my beleif that they are of a high level of importance.
4. This question was similar to question 3 in its layout/design, the difference was that it was trying to find out the importance of film posters, again my pre exsisting belifes were confirmed in the results, that the film poster is still has an important role to plat in a films promotional campiagn.
5. Question 5 has the same purpose of the two previouse questions, the results also confirmed my already exsisitng beleifes, that film magazine front covers still play a role in a films promotional campaign.
6. To discover which typically used conventions I should included in the movie trailer i used a check box type question. Each check box contained a different convention and my sample audiance could choose which ones they would expect to see in a movie trailer for the Horror genre. The results of this question state that my sample audiance expectes to see; some kind of equilibrium, fast cuts, slow cuts, lots of different camera angles, deigetic sound, none deigetic sound and a strong narrative.
- Equilibrium
- Fast cuts
- Slow cuts
- Lots of different camera angles
- Deigetic sound
- None deigetic sound
- A strong narrative
Film Poster
- A main image
- Billing block
- Date of release
- Name of the film
- Coordinated colour scheme
- Tag lines
- Critic's opinions
- A main image
- Name of the film
- Date of release
- Relvent puffs
- Mastehead
- Barcode
- Price
- Coordinated colour scheme
Online Questionnaire
Edit: For some reason it seems that some of the 'help' text is cut off when the questionnaire is displayed on my blog. If you would like help with some of the deffinitions that are not visable on this blog then please click here to fill in the quiz