1. Discovering the age of my sample audiance was important becuase films and the trailers advertising them are censored by the bbfc (British Board of Film Classification), therefore knowing the age of my sample audiance would inform me of what kind of audiance opinions the questionnaire was taking in. Each age group complies with the main bbfc film classification of 12, 12a, 15 and 18, and from my results the products I will be creating will most likely be targeted at people over the age of 18.
2. The predominant gender of my sample audiance was important to discover becuase with this information i could detirmin which gender the results of the questionnaire where focused to.
3. Question three allowed me to find out exactly how important movie trailers are in persuading people into wathcing a film. The questioned asked my sample audiance on a scale of 1 - 10 how improtant the trailers were to them, and the results confirmed my beleif that they are of a high level of importance.
4. This question was similar to question 3 in its layout/design, the difference was that it was trying to find out the importance of film posters, again my pre exsisting belifes were confirmed in the results, that the film poster is still has an important role to plat in a films promotional campiagn.
5. Question 5 has the same purpose of the two previouse questions, the results also confirmed my already exsisitng beleifes, that film magazine front covers still play a role in a films promotional campaign.
6. To discover which typically used conventions I should included in the movie trailer i used a check box type question. Each check box contained a different convention and my sample audiance could choose which ones they would expect to see in a movie trailer for the Horror genre. The results of this question state that my sample audiance expectes to see; some kind of equilibrium, fast cuts, slow cuts, lots of different camera angles, deigetic sound, none deigetic sound and a strong narrative.
- Equilibrium
- Fast cuts
- Slow cuts
- Lots of different camera angles
- Deigetic sound
- None deigetic sound
- A strong narrative
Film Poster
- A main image
- Billing block
- Date of release
- Name of the film
- Coordinated colour scheme
- Tag lines
- Critic's opinions
- A main image
- Name of the film
- Date of release
- Relvent puffs
- Mastehead
- Barcode
- Price
- Coordinated colour scheme
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