Thursday, 6 May 2010

Movie Trailer Analysis 1 - Shutter Island

This movie trailer is part of the promotional campaign advertising the film Shutter Island (2010) i have chosen this trailer to analysis because it is a very new product and fits into the horror genre, therefore this media product is very relevant to my project.

The original shutter island trailer starts with the calm end of an equilibrium, its uses establishing shots and begins to give an introduction to the island/plot of the film through the voice over used.

This calm equilibrium is quickly disturbed using time and camera distortion mixed in with a harsh screeching sound and a mixture of fast cuts , slow cuts, fade to black and the muting of none deigetic sound, all of which creates a sense of unease. The beginning of the trailer empowers the island, the ship sailing through the fog symbolises going into the unknown and the confiscation of the officers hand guns symbolises the handing over of power.

Throughout the middle of the trailer a lot of fast shots are used combined with a lot of 'fade to black' transitions this effect slightly confuses the viewer, this effect coupled with the open ended, questioning voice over laying down the plots foundation (without giving to much away) gives a really good sense that something isn't right within this supposed mental institution, a location that stereotypically symbolises crazy, paranormal, frightening imagery.

Near the end of the trailer, once enough superstition about what is realy going on, on 'shutter island' has been portrayed to the viewer, the equilibrium of calm is restored for a moment with a very similar shot to the establishing shot at the beginning, this shot is layered with a voice over that states "you'll never leave this island" leaving the view extremely intrigued as of why this is the case, therefore increasing the likely hood of them watching the film which would make the trailer a success in terms of it achieving its intended purpose.

Finally, at the very end of the trailer the important information of when the film is released is stated on a closing title so that any potential customers of this film that have been, or may be persuaded to buy a movie ticket knows when it is out. This title is the last thing the viewers sees so it will probably be the last thing he or she remembers.

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